Tiga hari belakangan ini,
pasti jadi begitu berat buat loe semua.
Kehilangan teman kerja dan pekerjaan
pasti bikin loe sedih, kecewa, sakit hati dan marah.
Secanggih-canggihnya copywriter menulis,
gak akan ada yang mampu
menghibur loe semua.
Tapi percaya deh,
loe gak sendirian kok.
Walau gak sepenuhnya,
gue bisa ngerasain apa yang loe rasain.
Terlebih, gue bekas anak McCann
dan masih banyak kenalan gue di sana.
Di malam Citra Pariwara 2005,
gue adalah salah satu orang yang
bangga, bersyukur dan gembira banget
McCann bisa menang Adiprima.
Gue berdiri, tepuk tangan dan
teriak-teriak buat loe semua yang di panggung.
Perjalanan panjang McCann memang sudah waktunya untuk
dihargai juga.
Buat teman-teman McCann,
gue berdoa semoga kita semua tetap tabah dan
gak kehilangan semangat untuk terus berkarya.
Buat kita sendiri dan untuk orang lain.
Buat teman setia kita, Kreatif,
janganlah pernah meninggalkan kami.
Pengalaman kita mengajarkan,
bahwa bukan agency-nya yang penting,
tapi individunya.
Karenanya sudah bukan zamannya lagi
setia pada perusahaan. Hare gene!
Tapi tetaplah setia pada profesi.
Setia pada dunia yang telah mematangkan kita.
Selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa.
Mohon maaf lahir batin.
Teriring doa.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Sunday, September 25, 2005
unINFOrmativeTAINMENT - Stolen from Hera's Blog
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Local gossip shows, can't stand 'em, can't live without 'em. Yes, they're all absurd, they follow the same pattern, they're pat and predictable, and the hosts' comments are inane and often sexist. Yet, I keep watching them as they serve some sort of escapism:) I would get sick of them, but I keep coming back.
Last week, though, a gossip caught my attention. It was about this rising rock star, a 24 year-old who happens to be a womanizer, who knocked up another woman. This time, she's already married. I was, like, cool! Finally, an exciting and undisguised gossip! Now, this is rock n roll!
The narrations from all the gossip shows' hosts, however, ruined it for me. They babbled about morality, how the parents of the singer and the knocked up girl should've taught their children better, and how the so-called Indonesian/Eastern values have shifted. A particular gossip show even has the nerve to have a tag line "No sex before marriage." Oh, fuck off.
Now, the following is an excerpt of my article a while ago, about the absurdity of the local gossip shows, or also known as infotainment, and how to make it better. I want to insert the excerpt here because I'm such a narcissistic bitch who takes cue from other bloggers that self-advertisement won't hurt (but it's certainly nauseating:)).
Here it is:
...So, I got to thinking -- how to upgrade the (local gossip) shows to a higher level of babble:
Straight Talk: Stop asking single or obviously gay celebrities ("he's 55 and still looking for love, living quietly with his poodle Fifi ...") when they will get married. And quit nagging married couples when they will have kids. Also, spreading unfounded divorce or breakup rumors only serves to show your tackiness.
Dish the Dirt: It's a gossip show, so none of this half-baked stuff, please. We want all the dirty laundry -- stained, torn and faded -- washed in public! We want to know who has used the casting couch to climb to stardom, who has been nipped and tucked and whether it's true that Krisdayanti's monthly makeup expenditure is equivalent to the annual budget of a small Central Java regency.
Needle Points: Offer a few well-placed verbal jabs at celebrities who are famous for being famous, holier than thou, experts at self-aggrandizement, etc. Basically, mock them all! For instance, in the case of actress/singer Dewi Yull divorcing actor Ray Sahetapy, everyone knows that the other woman is older, and richer. Instead of pitting the two women against each other, somebody should ask Ray when was the last time he actually worked for a living.
Plumb the Depths: Go to reliable and relevant sources; interviewing the religious tutor of Ray's mistress' children will sure make her famous in her neighborhood, but it gets you nowhere in finding out the truth of the matter.
Different Strokes. As a start in being more creative, get pointers from E! Entertainment. Take a look at the worst celebrity makeover, the best kept secret, the fat salaries and high cost of maintenance, the competition among local divas, etc, all done with a healthy dose of sarcasm.
Discretionary Power: Get the story, yes, but it's still crucial to remain ethical when reporting on issues like rape, drug addiction and HIV/AIDS. The coverage of the rape case involving teen heartthrob Faisal, for instance, was biased, star-struck and blatantly sexist.
I know that the critics and moralists want to banish the shows from the airwaves. I say no; there is an audience for them. And it has to be said that they reflect who we are as people: Nosy, fickle, uncreative, judgmental and apolitical. We get the leaders we deserve, and the same goes for our TV shows.
Local gossip shows, can't stand 'em, can't live without 'em. Yes, they're all absurd, they follow the same pattern, they're pat and predictable, and the hosts' comments are inane and often sexist. Yet, I keep watching them as they serve some sort of escapism:) I would get sick of them, but I keep coming back.
Last week, though, a gossip caught my attention. It was about this rising rock star, a 24 year-old who happens to be a womanizer, who knocked up another woman. This time, she's already married. I was, like, cool! Finally, an exciting and undisguised gossip! Now, this is rock n roll!
The narrations from all the gossip shows' hosts, however, ruined it for me. They babbled about morality, how the parents of the singer and the knocked up girl should've taught their children better, and how the so-called Indonesian/Eastern values have shifted. A particular gossip show even has the nerve to have a tag line "No sex before marriage." Oh, fuck off.
Now, the following is an excerpt of my article a while ago, about the absurdity of the local gossip shows, or also known as infotainment, and how to make it better. I want to insert the excerpt here because I'm such a narcissistic bitch who takes cue from other bloggers that self-advertisement won't hurt (but it's certainly nauseating:)).
Here it is:
...So, I got to thinking -- how to upgrade the (local gossip) shows to a higher level of babble:
Straight Talk: Stop asking single or obviously gay celebrities ("he's 55 and still looking for love, living quietly with his poodle Fifi ...") when they will get married. And quit nagging married couples when they will have kids. Also, spreading unfounded divorce or breakup rumors only serves to show your tackiness.
Dish the Dirt: It's a gossip show, so none of this half-baked stuff, please. We want all the dirty laundry -- stained, torn and faded -- washed in public! We want to know who has used the casting couch to climb to stardom, who has been nipped and tucked and whether it's true that Krisdayanti's monthly makeup expenditure is equivalent to the annual budget of a small Central Java regency.
Needle Points: Offer a few well-placed verbal jabs at celebrities who are famous for being famous, holier than thou, experts at self-aggrandizement, etc. Basically, mock them all! For instance, in the case of actress/singer Dewi Yull divorcing actor Ray Sahetapy, everyone knows that the other woman is older, and richer. Instead of pitting the two women against each other, somebody should ask Ray when was the last time he actually worked for a living.
Plumb the Depths: Go to reliable and relevant sources; interviewing the religious tutor of Ray's mistress' children will sure make her famous in her neighborhood, but it gets you nowhere in finding out the truth of the matter.
Different Strokes. As a start in being more creative, get pointers from E! Entertainment. Take a look at the worst celebrity makeover, the best kept secret, the fat salaries and high cost of maintenance, the competition among local divas, etc, all done with a healthy dose of sarcasm.
Discretionary Power: Get the story, yes, but it's still crucial to remain ethical when reporting on issues like rape, drug addiction and HIV/AIDS. The coverage of the rape case involving teen heartthrob Faisal, for instance, was biased, star-struck and blatantly sexist.
I know that the critics and moralists want to banish the shows from the airwaves. I say no; there is an audience for them. And it has to be said that they reflect who we are as people: Nosy, fickle, uncreative, judgmental and apolitical. We get the leaders we deserve, and the same goes for our TV shows.
Saturday, September 24, 2005
Teman-teman freelancer,
individual, mahasiswa, umum,
non-agency pals...
sekali lagi...
Yuk kita ikutan!
Katakan pada dunia,
kalau semua orang bisa bikin iklan.
tak perlu kerja di advertising agency
untuk bikin iklan.
Tak perlu kerja di award winning agency
untuk menang award.
Di tengah kesedihan berita pemecatan
puluhan karyawan periklanan.
Tampaknya sudah tidak ada lagi alasan bagi kita
untuk menggantungkan diri sepenuhnya pada perusahaan.
Saatnya kita memiliki kaki tiga
sehingga bisa berdiri di atas situasi terburuk sekalipun.
Saatnya bagi kita untuk bisa menolong diri sendiri.
Mulailah dari diri sendiri.
Walau sendiri bahkan tersendiri sekalipun.
Bukan untuk menjadi egois.
Tapi untuk menjadi aspirasi.
Bagi diri kita sendiri, bahwa kita bisa.
Dan untuk adik-adik mahasiswa
yang terlemparkan karena ketatnya penerimaan karyawan baru.
Untuk teman-teman praktisi
yang selama ini terkecilkan karena tidak pernah menang awards.
Untuk para praktisi senior periklanan
yang selama ini mengecilkan arti seorang sebelum jadi seseorang.
Menang atau kalah nantinya,
kita sudah jadi pemenangnya.
Karena adalah semangat untuk mulai berbuat dan
semangat untuk berkarya di tengah ketiadaan,
adalah bagian dari seorang pemenang sejati.
Teman-temanku semua,
mari kita kembali ke meja kerja kita masing-masing.
Mulailah kita berkarya.
Berikan hanya yang terbaik dari yang kita punya.
Dan setelahnya,
beranikan diri untuk ikut bertanding.
Dan ketika kemenangan itu datang
bagilah dengan orang-orang yang selama ini mengecilkan kita.
Dan ketika kekalahan kita terima,
belajarlah dan berkaryalah lebih keras lagi.
Salam ADOI!
individual, mahasiswa, umum,
non-agency pals...
sekali lagi...
Yuk kita ikutan!
Katakan pada dunia,
kalau semua orang bisa bikin iklan.
tak perlu kerja di advertising agency
untuk bikin iklan.
Tak perlu kerja di award winning agency
untuk menang award.
Di tengah kesedihan berita pemecatan
puluhan karyawan periklanan.
Tampaknya sudah tidak ada lagi alasan bagi kita
untuk menggantungkan diri sepenuhnya pada perusahaan.
Saatnya kita memiliki kaki tiga
sehingga bisa berdiri di atas situasi terburuk sekalipun.
Saatnya bagi kita untuk bisa menolong diri sendiri.
Mulailah dari diri sendiri.
Walau sendiri bahkan tersendiri sekalipun.
Bukan untuk menjadi egois.
Tapi untuk menjadi aspirasi.
Bagi diri kita sendiri, bahwa kita bisa.
Dan untuk adik-adik mahasiswa
yang terlemparkan karena ketatnya penerimaan karyawan baru.
Untuk teman-teman praktisi
yang selama ini terkecilkan karena tidak pernah menang awards.
Untuk para praktisi senior periklanan
yang selama ini mengecilkan arti seorang sebelum jadi seseorang.
Menang atau kalah nantinya,
kita sudah jadi pemenangnya.
Karena adalah semangat untuk mulai berbuat dan
semangat untuk berkarya di tengah ketiadaan,
adalah bagian dari seorang pemenang sejati.
Teman-temanku semua,
mari kita kembali ke meja kerja kita masing-masing.
Mulailah kita berkarya.
Berikan hanya yang terbaik dari yang kita punya.
Dan setelahnya,
beranikan diri untuk ikut bertanding.
Dan ketika kemenangan itu datang
bagilah dengan orang-orang yang selama ini mengecilkan kita.
Dan ketika kekalahan kita terima,
belajarlah dan berkaryalah lebih keras lagi.
Salam ADOI!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Pagi itu pukul 03.00 wib.
Mbak Jeanny udah pulas di ranjangnya.
Gue baru aja mengangkat selimut sampai ke dada.
Dan kepala terbenam bantal.
Acara Citra Pariwara baru saja usai.
Mbak Jeha, yang udah menang ratusan piala,
tertidur pulas di ranjang yang sama seperti punya gue.
Oom Bud yang juga udah pernah menang ratusan piala,
seharusnya tertidur pulas juga di ranjang yang sama.
Tim McCann yang baru aja menang Best Of The Best, lagi ngedugem.
Tapi gue yakin mereka akan pulang sebentar lagi dan tidur di ranjang yang sama.
Tim Leo Burnett dan JWT yang memborong banyak piala,
bisa dipastikan malam ini tidur di ranjang yang sama.
Perbedaannya cuma ada di lantai hotel yang bernama Somerset.
Tempat kita semua menginap.
Pada akhirnya,
semua terbenam di bantal putih katun yang garing itu.
Semua diselimuti selimut tebal.
Semua mengorok dan bermimpi
di ranjang dan hotel yang sama.
Tidak ada Gold, Silver atau Bronze.
Tidak ada juri atau peserta.
Tidak ada new comer atau Hall of Fame.
Selamat tidur dan bermimpi.
Sampai ketemu di Citra Pariwara 2006.
(katanya di Bandung)
Mbak Jeanny udah pulas di ranjangnya.
Gue baru aja mengangkat selimut sampai ke dada.
Dan kepala terbenam bantal.
Acara Citra Pariwara baru saja usai.
Mbak Jeha, yang udah menang ratusan piala,
tertidur pulas di ranjang yang sama seperti punya gue.
Oom Bud yang juga udah pernah menang ratusan piala,
seharusnya tertidur pulas juga di ranjang yang sama.
Tim McCann yang baru aja menang Best Of The Best, lagi ngedugem.
Tapi gue yakin mereka akan pulang sebentar lagi dan tidur di ranjang yang sama.
Tim Leo Burnett dan JWT yang memborong banyak piala,
bisa dipastikan malam ini tidur di ranjang yang sama.
Perbedaannya cuma ada di lantai hotel yang bernama Somerset.
Tempat kita semua menginap.
Pada akhirnya,
semua terbenam di bantal putih katun yang garing itu.
Semua diselimuti selimut tebal.
Semua mengorok dan bermimpi
di ranjang dan hotel yang sama.
Tidak ada Gold, Silver atau Bronze.
Tidak ada juri atau peserta.
Tidak ada new comer atau Hall of Fame.
Selamat tidur dan bermimpi.
Sampai ketemu di Citra Pariwara 2006.
(katanya di Bandung)
Sunday, September 11, 2005
My Second Quote - Revised by Diki Satya
"It doesn't matter if you have a small idea.
Making people have ideas will make you big."
Making people have ideas will make you big."
Thursday, September 08, 2005
A Journey of a Headline - Glenn, Baby and Hera
First Day:
where differences is hand-stiched in harmony
where enemies is hand-stiched in peace
hand stitch keeps things in place
homemade quilt blanket keeps away cold feet or warms your cold feet
our hand-stitched quilt blanket warms your cold feet
all differences hand-stitched in harmony
all enemies hand-stiched in peace
Second Day:
let our hand-stitch quilt blanket tucks you in
western problems, asian hand stiched solution (HAHAHAHAHA!)
it's never too warm (bisa diganti dengan too hot, too spicy, too ugly, too whatever) inside our hand-stitched ...
hand-stitching your mouth
the only time all differences hand stiched in harmony
the only place all differences hand stiched in harmony
the only place where all differences hand stiched in harmony
a common ground where all differences hand-stitched in harmony
a common ground itu artinya apa?
Third Day:
Hand-stitched peace in a quilt
Hand-stitched harmony in a quilt
Hand-stitched tranquility in a quilt
Hand-stitched serenity in a quilt
Hand-stitched silence in a quilt
peace serves in hand-stitched quilt
great possibiity with a hand sticthe quil
stitching possibilities on handmade quilt
Fourth Day:
make quilt not war hihihi
peace by a hand stictched quilt?
peace on a handstitched quilt
hand sticehed quilt make peace
stitching peace
stiching peace quilt
peace stitching quilt
Fifth Day:
Dream for peace comes true in a hand-stiched quilt.
Dream for peace on a hand-stiched quilt
we make it happens
where peace starts
we make quilts, not war
with our own hands .. somtin like that
peace in our hands
hand-stitching is never a peaceful work
hand-stiched quilf for your dream of peace
Wish us luck!
where differences is hand-stiched in harmony
where enemies is hand-stiched in peace
hand stitch keeps things in place
homemade quilt blanket keeps away cold feet or warms your cold feet
our hand-stitched quilt blanket warms your cold feet
all differences hand-stitched in harmony
all enemies hand-stiched in peace
Second Day:
let our hand-stitch quilt blanket tucks you in
western problems, asian hand stiched solution (HAHAHAHAHA!)
it's never too warm (bisa diganti dengan too hot, too spicy, too ugly, too whatever) inside our hand-stitched ...
hand-stitching your mouth
the only time all differences hand stiched in harmony
the only place all differences hand stiched in harmony
the only place where all differences hand stiched in harmony
a common ground where all differences hand-stitched in harmony
a common ground itu artinya apa?
Third Day:
Hand-stitched peace in a quilt
Hand-stitched harmony in a quilt
Hand-stitched tranquility in a quilt
Hand-stitched serenity in a quilt
Hand-stitched silence in a quilt
peace serves in hand-stitched quilt
great possibiity with a hand sticthe quil
stitching possibilities on handmade quilt
Fourth Day:
make quilt not war hihihi
peace by a hand stictched quilt?
peace on a handstitched quilt
hand sticehed quilt make peace
stitching peace
stiching peace quilt
peace stitching quilt
Fifth Day:
Dream for peace comes true in a hand-stiched quilt.
Dream for peace on a hand-stiched quilt
we make it happens
where peace starts
we make quilts, not war
with our own hands .. somtin like that
peace in our hands
hand-stitching is never a peaceful work
hand-stiched quilf for your dream of peace
Wish us luck!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
My Second Quote
"It doesn't matter if your ad have a small idea.
Making people have ideas will make your ad big."
Making people have ideas will make your ad big."
Friday, September 02, 2005
With Hope for The Better
Here is the logo of our new print project.

Will again in continuing our journey
to give more alternative for local advertising scene.
Still the same old fellas will help me through.
Yuliana and Cecil the purest heart illustrator and Daniel the i-think-it-will-be-better-if digital imaging.
Plus, Baby... our creative soul expresses her thoughts in english.
And as usual, we are working under such a tight doe!
Freelancer! Freelancer! Anyone?
Please say a little prayer for us.
For no reason, this time around i am so nervous.
Here is the logo of our new print project.

Will again in continuing our journey
to give more alternative for local advertising scene.
Still the same old fellas will help me through.
Yuliana and Cecil the purest heart illustrator and Daniel the i-think-it-will-be-better-if digital imaging.
Plus, Baby... our creative soul expresses her thoughts in english.
And as usual, we are working under such a tight doe!
Freelancer! Freelancer! Anyone?
Please say a little prayer for us.
For no reason, this time around i am so nervous.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Di ruangan kecil berbau tanah.
Matahari tembus melalui genteng transparan.
Sinarnya jatuh tepat di kepala
seorang ibu dan anaknya.
Mereka berdua sedang duduk bersama.
Di depan mereka ada meja.
Posisinya persis selayaknya
seorang guru sedang mengajarkan muridnya bermain piano.
Terdengar suara ibu menyanyi solmisasi.
Do mi sol, sol la mi sol fa, fa mi re re do re mi...
Sesekali terdengar suara kayu diketuk jari.
Seolah jari sedang bermain piano.
Bukan piano biasa,
tapi meja kayu yang digambari tuts piano.
Ibu itu menyanyi seiring tuts yang diketuk
oleh jari kecil anaknya.
Ibu itu sekarang sedang menikmati hidupnya
dan anak itu sudah dewasa.
Tapi gambaran itu melekat di kepalanya.
Dan di dalam sini.
(BH: Goblok deh! Nanti kalau ceritanya dicuri orang gimana?
GM: What is a story without the soul, oom?)
Matahari tembus melalui genteng transparan.
Sinarnya jatuh tepat di kepala
seorang ibu dan anaknya.
Mereka berdua sedang duduk bersama.
Di depan mereka ada meja.
Posisinya persis selayaknya
seorang guru sedang mengajarkan muridnya bermain piano.
Terdengar suara ibu menyanyi solmisasi.
Do mi sol, sol la mi sol fa, fa mi re re do re mi...
Sesekali terdengar suara kayu diketuk jari.
Seolah jari sedang bermain piano.
Bukan piano biasa,
tapi meja kayu yang digambari tuts piano.
Ibu itu menyanyi seiring tuts yang diketuk
oleh jari kecil anaknya.
Ibu itu sekarang sedang menikmati hidupnya
dan anak itu sudah dewasa.
Tapi gambaran itu melekat di kepalanya.
Dan di dalam sini.
(BH: Goblok deh! Nanti kalau ceritanya dicuri orang gimana?
GM: What is a story without the soul, oom?)
My First Quote
"If advertising is all about people,
then we shall race to be a better people.
For better people make better ads,
and Insya Allah, awards will follow."
then we shall race to be a better people.
For better people make better ads,
and Insya Allah, awards will follow."
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